As your funeral directors, we are here to help and advise in whatever way we can. We are dedicated professionals who provide a personal service to you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is a rare privilege to be a funeral director, to stand in a sensitive position at a crucial time in the midst of your family, knowing the quality of our service and reputation will help you through this most difficult time in your life.
This site was written for design agency Thinck Creative on behalf of their client James Giles, Funeral Directors in Bromsgrove. The site is completely bespoke using the fine artwork from Thinck combined with dynamic functionality for uploading memorial photographs and comments for sharing before and after a service.
ClientThinck Creative (for James Giles & Sons Limited)ServicesWebsite BuildYear2014Linkwww.jamesgilesandsonslimited.co.uk